3 Tips if You Currently Have an Exercise Routine…
I currently have a regular exercise routine and want to keep going
Amazing! This most likely means you’ve done a lot of work to determine what works for you…what you enjoy, what is available to you, and how exercise fits into the rest of your life. So, don’t forget to celebrate that! And now, the 3 tips to keep you going and motivated are:
Don’t sweat the little things
If you miss a day here and there that you planned to exercise, don’t let it freak you out. This is NORMAL and life happens. Trust that you’ve built this as a habit, and just get back to exercising tomorrow. Having grace and compassion for yourself in these times helps you continue to see exercise as a joy and privilege, rather than something you HAVE to or MUST do.
Mix it up
When a health behavior becomes a habit, you’ve moved into the Stage of Change called “Maintenance”. If you haven’t had a chance to listen to our IG live about the stages of change, you’ll find it on our IGTV page! The thing to watch out for when you hit the Maintenance phase is boredom. So to prevent against boredom, see how far your creativity can take you. How can you mix up exercise modalities, or locations, or goals? And if you need assistance with this-simply reach out to us!
Get inspired, not…tired
Finally, if you have current exercise routine, find ways to stay inspired, not tired. What does that mean? It means following accounts, reading books, listening to podcasts, and chatting with friends/family who are also pursuing exercise and health habits in ways that inspire you to keep going, while feeling good about and celebrating what you’re currently doing. Additionally, watch out for times when you fall into comparison (which is essentially when you place your hard days/valleys next to someone’s best days/mountaintop experiences). This can lead to feelings of guilt, like you’re not doing enough, which can then lead to discouragement and, once again, feeling like exercise is something you HAVE to do or MUST do. A simple question you can ask yourself when you find comparison creeping up is “is this me or the people I’m surrounding myself with?” If it’s you, find ways to mourn the tough or frustrating things happening in life right now, but then get back to work. Possibly even find a way to encourage that person…it’s amazing what empowering others can do to raise our own spirits. And it it’s the people you’re surrounding yourself with, figure out what you can learn from them, but make sure they’re not the loudest voices in your lives. Remember-you’ll know a tree by the fruit it produces, so if guilt comes up and it’s not from you, it will be good to find some other trees.