SFC Approved
We get it. There are A LOT of products out there; claiming to make you bigger, thinner, stronger, leaner, blah, blah blah. Here’s the good news: we’re here to provide you with a few products that we LOVE, BELIEVE IN, AND TRUST. The things listed below are special because they’ve made the Smart Fit Chicks Approved List (which is not easy to do!).
In need of a good powerlifting belt? Look no further than Best Belts. The Athlete’s suede double prong belt is WHERE IT’S AT! Not only has Chrissy been using hers for years now, but she’s recommended this site to just about everyone she know’s who’s interested in powerlifting! Plus, let’s get real- they have AWESOME colors to choose from!
How about a cute gift idea? We recently ordered a charm bracelet from Fashleticsand it’s WONDERFUL! Not only is it ADORABLE, but the message behind this company is simple, yet powerful: “expressing the true meaning of strength from the inside out”
In search of some inspiration? Brene Brown is our one of our FAVORITES! She’s an author, motivational speaker and researcher. Her TED talk on The Power of Vulnerability is quite possibly the best use of 20 minutes of your time. She also has some incredible books, and we’d HIGHLY recommend Daring Greatly.