An update:)
Hello everyone!
We Smart Fit Chicks have sure been busy lately, doing SO MANY exciting things!!! We’d love to share a few of these things with you all…
As man of you know, we are part of a program at CSU called NEVA- New Economy Venture Accelerator. The final portion of this program involves a Business Pitch to multiple investors and big-wigs in the business world. Kellie and I have been working hard on our presentation (if you didn’t know, Kellie is a PPT MASTER). There are some big prizes at stake, and though we are up against some other pretty incredible ventures, we feel very confident in what we have to share. Friday night is the big Pitch Competition, so we’ll keep you updated on how it goes:)
Second, you may or may not know that we are two weeks into our first online SFC bootcamp! We are working with an incredible group of women, and we are all learning SO much. We’ve created Wellness Visions together, gone over exercise prescriptions, reviewed dietary logs, and even did a workout together last night. We’ve also created our exclusive private Facebook group, only accessible to members, and these women from the bootcamp have been amazing in sharing with one another:)
Next, we have been selected to attend an exclusive SHAPE magazine and OAKLEY event for females this Friday. We hope to network with individuals there and learn about how to get involved in writing for the magazine.
Lastly, we are about to launch a Crowdfunding campaign through a partnership between CSU and Community Funded. Through this crowdfunding effort, we are proposing to begin designing Smart Fit Girls, an after school curriculum for middle-school aged girls to learn physical activity, healthy eating, and improve self-esteem and body image. We have a LOOOONG way to go before we’ll be ready to launch this, but are MORE than excited about it! As soon as our crowdfunding platform is available, we’ll let you all know. 🙂
With all of this craziness right now, Kellie and I have been a little bit stressed. But, I’m really proud of us because we have kept our composure and even stayed in great spirits:) I think there have been a few lessons we’ve learned this past few weeks. First, use HUMOR. We have kept our sanity during this INsanity by laughing… A LOT. Second, rely on one another. When one of us is feeling overwhelmed, the other picks up the slack, and vice versa. (I feel like she’s been picking up a lot of my slack!) Third, get creative about fitting everything in- last night we literally pulled my spin bike into my room. I rode the bike while she jogged on my treadmill desk while reviewing our bootcamp notes and pitch presentation.
So, I hope you are all thriving this week, not just surviving. My advice…? When you feel like you’re barely keeping your head above water, be patient with yourself, rely on others and LAUGH.